Customer Testimonials

We pride ourselves on customer service. Below are testimonials we have received from happy customers. We often ask clients to send us their opinion on each job and if they were satisfied. If you would like to see how Pro Bond Cleaning Sydney can clean your home, we would love to hear from you.


After calling them, I was surprised by how fast they came to my rental property. The team that came consisted of people who were very nice and friendly. The did an incredible job. The tenants said that they never thought that their houses can be as clean as they were when the Pro Bond Cleaning Sydney experts were done with their work. We recommend this company to anyone who needs end of lease cleaning services.


As a very busy law firm, we know how important it is for our offices to be clean at all times. That is why we are always in need of the services of cleaners who are capable of doing a great job within a short period of time. That is exactly what we get from Pro Bond Cleaning Sydney. The cleaners from this company always do an impressive job within a short period of time. We are thankful for your services!


I really wanted to thank you for your end of lease clean on our old home. I was very happy when I visited the house after your team had cleaned it. Even the real estate agent was amazed by how clean the house was. She started making plans on how to get it listed immediately. That was no doubt an outstanding bond clean. Keep up the good work.


Both I and my husband are pleased with the bond clean. Your guys not only provide high quality services, you are prompt. You responded to my call with speed. I really wanted my house to be cleaned fast because I was expecting visitors the next day. You managed to complete the job long before the first visitor arrived. I will definitely call you again when I need cleaning services.


I was really disappointed by the job that was done by a bond clean company that I hired before. I was worried that Pro Bond Cleaning Sydney will disappoint me just like the company that I hired before. I was forced to hire them because my apartment was in a pathetic state. I was really impressed! Their services are excellent! I will use again.


We recommend Pro Bond Cleaning Sydney to all prospective clients. We are sure that you will be impressed with their services just like us. They have been responsible for completing bond cleans for our rental houses for several months. They are reliable, courteous, punctual and efficient. They always strive to maintain high standards of cleaning. We sincerely thank the cleaning team.

-Alison & Bill